A Writer’s Dilemma
Come right in and have seat. I’ve been thinking (which can be dangerous) and have
come to the conclusion that a writer should never be more than arm’s length away from writing
material – even when you’re in bed. On second thought, especially when you’re in bed. When
you’re half asleep, your muse loves to gift you with some of the best themes and lines you can
The only problem is, no matter how hard you try, you won’t be able to remember
them in the morning. You’ll remember what they were about, but not the perfect wording. The
more you try to reconstruct it, the farther it slips away.
Just imagine how some well-known lines might have changed from conception ‘til the
author was able to write them down.
Row, row, row your boat
Through all of the confusion.
Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily
Life is an allusion.
As the saying goes, “Close, but no cigars.”
And yes, I know, sometime it is just as well we don’t inflict others with the results of our
creative moments.
Changing the subject, did you go to the Naples, Texas, Watermelon Festival last
month? If not, you can take a trip down the road to Omaha, Texas, on Saturday, October 5, and
enjoy the day at the Omaha Fall Festival and Chili Cook Off. If you’ve read Trouble In Texas: A
Summer Adventure, you know Omaha is where Matt Morrison spent the summer of 1944 with
his grandparents. If you want to know more about the festival, email Jan Forrest at
jan_forrest@sbcglobal.net. Be sure and visit the Omaha History Museum while you’re in town.
Everything is within walking distance and you won’t get lost.
P.S. Copies of Trouble In Texas: A Summer Adventure and Picketing The President: Delia’s
Dilemma – Grandmother Nolan and the Suffragists are available at the Mercantile and the
Omaha History Museum.
Reading Picketing The President will help you understand some of the things women
have experienced as they fought for the right to vote. Which reminds me ---